Majors with a grade point average of at least 3.3 overall and at least 3.7 in philosophy are eligible to apply for entrance into the Honors Program in Philosophy. Majors interested in applying should consult with the department chair in the second semester of their junior year. The departmental honors committee will consider all applications and notify successful candidates during the summer prior to their senior year. Completion of fifteen hours in philosophy courses is prerequisite to beginning work in the honors program. Graduation with “Honors in Philosophy” requires successful completion of Honors I and II (391 and 392), a grade point average at the time of graduation of at least 3.7 in philosophy and 3.3 overall, and completion and successful defense of an honors thesis in an oral examination conducted by at least two members of the department. The hours earned in 391 and 392 do not count towards the twenty-seven hours required of all majors.