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FYS 100 – The Idea of America – Adam Kadlac
TR – 2:00-3:15 – Location TBA

It is often said that the US is a credal nation – a country defined by the ideals enshrined in its founding documents. It is also frequently pointed out how imperfectly we have embodied those ideals. In light of this tension, my goal in this class is for us to look at some philosophical debates that are generated by an attempt to wrestle with America’s history and the significance of its founding documents. Along the way, I want us to discuss such things as what authority the past should have over the present, whether patriotism is a virtue, and what the country should strive to be in the years to come. 

FYS 100 – Freedom of Expression, Uncivil Discourse, and Censorship – Win-chiat Lee
MWF – 1:00-1:50 – Location TBA

In theory, we are all committed to freedom of expression. However, in practice examples abound illustrating the wavering of our commitment over speech we profoundly disagree with, especially if we also find it offensive, demeaning, or, in a broad sense, harmful. This has led to many practices and policies, both in institutions of higher learning and elsewhere in society, that are inconsistent and problematic. This seminar is intended to confront first-year students, as they enter university life, where autonomy, freedom of thought, and open-mindedness are highly valued and considered essential, with the difficult issues concerning freedom of expression, in theory and in practice, on campus and elsewhere in our culture and society at large.

PHI 111 – Problems of Philosophy – Justin Jennings
Section A – TR 9:30-10:45 – Location TBA
Section D – TR 11:00-12:15 – Location TBA

Examines the basic concepts of several representative philosophers, including their accounts of the nature of knowledge, persons, God, mind, and matter.

PHI 111 – Problems of Philosophy – Adrian Bardon
Section B – MWF 11:00-11:50 – Location TBA
Section E – MWF 12:00-12:50 – Location TBA

This course provides a broad introduction to philosophical thinking. Topics covered will include the nature of consciousness, personal identity, free will, knowledge, reality, and various social and political issues. In-class discussion and active engagement will be emphasized.

PHI 111-C – Problems of Philosophy – Christian Miller
MWF – 11:00-11:50 – Location TBA

This course will be concerned with some of the most challenging and interesting questions in all of human experience. For example, we will consider some of the arguments for the existence of God, whether God would allow evil to exist, whether faith is compatible with reason, whether there is an objective morality, whether we should be moral at the expense of self-interest, whether the death penalty is morally permissible, and what we should do about famine. In each case, we will examine particular questions not only with an aim at arriving at the truth, but also with an aim at determining what relevance these questions have to our ordinary lives. The text will be Joel Feinberg and Russ Shafer-Landau, Reason and Responsibility (Wadsworth Press, most recent edition) and our readings will be drawn from both classic and contemporary sources.

PHI 114-A – Philosophy of Human Nature – Patrick Toner
WF – 9:30-10:45 – Location TBA

A study of selected topics bearing on human nature, such as free will and determinism, the relation of mind and body, personal identity and personhood, and immortality.

PHI 161 – Introduction to Bioethics – Adam Kadlac
Section A – TR – 9:30-10:45 – Location TBA
Section B – TR – 11-12:45 – Location TBA

In this class, we will examine a number of ethical issues that arise in the context of medicine. The questions we will consider include: How do we go about deciding who is a reliable source of medical information? Is vaccine skepticism irrational, and should vaccines be mandated? Is unhappiness a medical problem? What is disability, and does having a disability necessarily make one’s life worse? What obligation do doctors have to simply carry out the wishes of their patients? Assignments will be an assortment of short written reflections, longer analytical papers, and quizzes.

PHI 161-C – Introduction to Bioethics – Ana Iltis

T – 3:30-6:00 – Location TBA

A study of ethical issues that arise in health care and the life sciences. Topics to be explored include questions about death and organ donation, regenerative medicine, genetic testing and research, and the allocation of healthcare resources, among others.

PHI 161-D – Introduction to Bioethics – Instructor TBA

MW – 2:00-3:15 – Location TBA

ENV 163-A/PHI 163-A – Introduction to Environmental Ethics – Francisco Gallegos
MWF – 2:00-2:50 – Location TBA

What ethical ideals should guide us, personally and collectively, as we seek to address climate change, environmental justice, and other challenges related to human beings’ relationship with nature? In this course, you will be introduced to a diverse array of historical and contemporary philosophers that have addressed such questions, and investigate the relevance of these ideas to pressing issues in your own life and in your community. This semester, the central focus of the course will be on ecological distress (and numbness), and the ethical and political significance of our emotional responses and practices related to the environment. In close partnership with the environmental education organization, All We Can Save, students will be introduced to “Climate Wayfinding,” a powerful framework and method for individuals and groups to discover deeper and more authentic ways to engage in the struggle for planetary health and justice.

ENV 163-A/PHI 163-A – Introduction to Environmental Ethics – Alex Hortal
TR –9:30-10:45 – Location TBA

An examination of ethical issues concerning the environment as they arise in individual lives and public policy.

PHI 164 – Contemporary Moral Problems – Tobias Flattery
Section A – MW – 12:30-1:45 – Location TBA
Section B – MW – 2:00-3:15 – Location TBA

In this course we’ll equip ourselves with some of the tools of moral philosophy, and we’ll investigate several interesting and important moral questions in contemporary life, examples of which might include the following (or other) questions: is it morally ok to kill and eat animals? Is it wrong for the state to administer the death penalty? Is torture ever morally justified? Should we as a society encourage or allow genetic enhancements? What about abortion? How can we communicate via social media in ways that improve rather than erode human flourishing? And so on. We’ll have two main goals in this class: first, of course, we’ll aim to improve our understanding of the central philosophical questions essential for thinking coherently about the particular moral issues we’ll investigate. But second, and ultimately more importantly, we’ll aim to become clearer, more coherent, and more effective moral thinkers and communicators.

PHI 164 – Contemporary Moral Problems – Jonathan Dixon
Section C – TR – 2:00-3:15 – Location TBA
Section D – TR – 12:30-1:45 – Location TBA

This course provides a general introduction to moral philosophy by having students grapple with some of the most profound and quintessential moral questions, problems, and paradoxes.  Specifically, we will examine the following core issues and questions within ethics: What is the nature of morality? Are we obligated to follow the law? What are our duties to help others in need? What are our duties to non-human animals? When, if ever, is abortion morally permissible? When, if ever, is euthanasia morally permissible? We will also grapple with some relatively new moral conundrums, such as: What, if any, obligations do we have to future generations? What is “oppression,” why is it wrong, and who is oppressed? What is “privilege,” who is privileged, and what obligations do they have? Is it permissible to genetically enhance one’s offspring? Is it wrong to prefer attractive partners? What is the role of luck in our moral lives? What are “assholes,” and what makes them morally reprehensible? What makes someone’s actions “awesome” or “suck”? And do we, and is it permissible to, only aim our moral behavior to be as good as, or only slightly better than, our peers? In addressing these questions, students will not only learn about moral philosophy but also gain the ability to think more philosophically and further develop their critical thinking skills. All of this is in the service of aiding students in becoming better people.

PHI 220-A – Logic – Jonathan Dixon
TR – 5:00-6:15 – Location TBA

Elementary study of the laws of valid inference, recognition of fallacies, and logical analysis.

PHI 232-A – Ancient Greek Philosophy – Tobias Flattery
TR – 11:00-12:15 – Location TBA

A study of the central figures in early Greek philosophy, focusing primarily on Plato and Aristotle, but potentially also including some of the figures whose ideas Plato and Aristotle were in conversation with, e.g., the Presocratics. 

PHI 239-A – Latin American & Latinx Philosophy – Francisco Gallegos
TR – 12:30-1:45 – Location TBA

In this course, you will be introduced to some of the central ideas and texts of the Latin American and Latinx philosophical traditions, and work with your classmates to investigate the relevance of these ideas to pressing issues in your own life and community. From pre-colonial indigenous philosophy, to the cutting edge of the contemporary academic and political debates, we will examine topics including human nature, freedom, justice, nationality, normativity, aesthetics, identity, and immigration. Philosophical texts will be supplemented with an introduction to the history of Latin America, as well as videos, films, and podcasts that can help bring the course material to life. This semester, the central focus of the course will be on Latinx philosophy, examining some of the distinctive experiences and perspectives of people with Latin American heritage who live in the United States, through the work of figures like Gloria Anzaldúa, Enrique Dussell, María Lugones, and Linda Martín Alcoff. 

PHI 343-A/643-AG – Kant: Practical Philosophy – Justin Jennings
TR – 3:30-4:45 – Tribble Hall A307

Study of Kant’s principal contributions to theory of action, theory of value, and moral and political philosophy. PHI 341 is not a prerequisite for this course.

PHI 360-A/660-AG – Ethics – Christian Miller
MW – 12:30-1:45 – Tribble Hall A307

Ethics is concerned with the way we should live our lives and the type of person we should become.  This course will focus, not on applied topics in ethics like famine relief, abortion, or the death penalty, but rather on ethical theory itself.  We will look at such questions as: Which actions are right and which are wrong?  Which outcomes should we promote?  What kind of character should we attempt to cultivate? Our approach will be both historical and contemporary, and will focus on the four major ethical traditions:

Divine Command Theory, where the commands of a loving and just God are central to ethical theorizing.  Authors will include Robert Adams and Philip Quinn.

Kantian Deontology, where categorical imperatives and respect for others are central to ethical theorizing.  Authors will include Kant, Christine Korsgaard, and Fred Feldman.

Utilitarianism, where maximizing good outcomes is central to ethical theorizing.  Authors will include Mill, Michael Stocker, and Robert Nozick.

Virtue Ethics, where virtuous character traits are central to ethical theorizing.  Authors will include Aristotle, Rosalind Hursthouse, and Robert Louden.

I envision requiring 4 moderately sized papers and no exams.

PHI 362-A – Social & Political Philosophy – Instructor TBA
TR – 2:00-3:15 – Location TBA

PHI 363-A – Philosophy of Law – Win-chiat Lee
WF – 9:30 – 10:45 – Tribble Hall A307

Inquiry into the nature of law and its relation to morality. Classroom discussions of readings from the works of classical and modern authors focus on issues of contemporary concern involving questions of legal principle, personal liberty, human rights, responsibility, justice, and punishment.

PHI 367-A – Philosophical Theories in Bioethics – Ana Iltis
W – 3:30-6:00 – Location TBA

A study of the main philosophical approaches to contemporary bioethics. Each approach is examined critically and students explore how each approach informs analysis of contemporary issues in bioethics.

PHI 369-A – Philosophy and Psychology – Adrian Bardon
MWF – 2:00-2:50 – Tribble Hall A307

A wide-ranging examination of the philosophy and psychology of bias, motivated reasoning, self-deception, and denial. We will discuss the roles of ideology, personality, and identity in science denial, in political economy, in racism, and in religious belief.

PHI 377-A – Metaphysics – Patrick Toner
WF – 11:00-12:15 – Tribble Hall A307

A survey of such issues as the nature and existence of properties, possibility and necessity, time and persistence, causation, freedom and determinism, and dualism versus materialism about the human person.