Everyone is welcome to attend our talks. The talks are roughly 50 minutes in length followed by
roughly 30 minutes of Q & A. Unless otherwise specified, talks are held at 5:00 pm and
take place in Tribble Hall B316. Please contact Donna Simmons at 336-758-5359 or
simmonde@wfu.edu if you need special accommodations or have any questions.

Fall 2024

November 21 – Samuel Reis-Dennis, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Rice University, Houston, TX

Spring 2024

January 29 – Michael Gadomski, visiting assistant professor of philosophy, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA

“Open Borders and the Egalitarian Project”

Despite its theoretical appeal, the egalitarian case for open borders faces an important worry: that in practice, open borders would make the least advantaged worse off, thus exacerbating inequality. In this talk, I offer a response to this concern. For one, it’s not clear that it is empirically well-supported. More importantly, though, it fails to attend to the larger political and economic forces that create and maintain inequality in the first place. The first lesson, then, is that egalitarians need not give up on the idea of open borders. However, and this is the second lesson, these conflicts do challenge egalitarians to rethink the nature of the egalitarian project. In the final part of the talk, I offer some suggestions for what this might look like.

March 21 – Claude V. Roebuck Lecture in Philosophy: Jennifer Lackey, Wayne and Elizabeth Jones Professor of Philosophy, Northwestern University

Title: TBA

April 24 – Guy T. and Clara Carswell Lecture in Philosophy: Yujin Nagasawa, H.G. Wood Professor of the Philosophy of Religion, Co-Director, Birmingham Centre for the Philosophy of Religion, University of Birmingham

Title: TBA

Past Talks